
Plus coffee tables represent simplicity and adaptability in a modern world.

The slim, solid wire chrome frame is complimented by a variety of top shapes and sizes to suit most soft seating, reception or informal meeting environments, which are all available in our standard veneer, laminate or MFC finishes.
The elegant frame makes Plus a great addition to our extensive range of multi-purpose and soft seating ranges featuring a complimenting solid wire chrome frame.

Plus coffee tables work superbly with all our soft seating collection either as side tables, or as a more deliberate larger feature piece of furniture.



Beech MFC

Maple MFC

Natural Walnut MFC

Dove Grey MFC

Ice White MFC

Oak Veneer

Maple Veneer

Natural Walnut Veneer

Cherry Veneer

White Laminate


PLU 1 – 600 x 600 x 400mm
PLU 2– 1200 x 600 x 400mm
PLU 3– 800 diameter x 400mm
PLU 4– 640 x 640 x 400mm
PLU 5– 1600 x 700 x 400mm

square coffee table with radiussed corners 600 x 600 x 350

rectangular coffee table with radiussed corners
1200 x 600 x 350

circular coffee table
800 diam x 350

double barrelled coffee table
640 x 640 x 350

elliptical coffee table
1600 x 700 x 350

Price Enquiry

Please contact us for further details and pricing

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Ready to transform your office or workspace? Call us now today on

01603 617372